Friday, December 18, 2009

Reflection of EDLD 5352

The outcomes I envisioned for this course were to gain knowledge of where technology is going in the 21st century classroom and what role I play as an administrator in the process, what kinds of new technology was out there to be used in the classroom, and ideas of different ways educators are taking this new technology and incorporating it into the classroom. I do feel that I have achieved those outcome from learning about the many new technical tools being utilized in the classroom today such as blogging podcasting and others. Before this class, I had never posted a blog on the Internet. The readings gave insight as to how other educators are using this technology in their schools. I do believe that the course outcomes aligned with those that I envisioned. I was able to understand through the Long-Range Technology plan the goals we have set in the state of Texas. I also have used other resources such as the STaR Chart to analyze data to see how our school rates on achieving those goals, how we have gain or lose ground on achieving our goals, and how we rate when compared to other schools in Texas.

All of the outcomes of this course have been and will continue to be relevant to the work that I do. As an assistant principal and soon to be pricipal understanding copy-write laws and reading about how teachers and principals are using these new technology tools give me the opportunity to begin to develop the user policies that will enable students at our school to use these Internet tools. It also has given me ways to model technology and use these new Internet tools for staff development for my staff which will encourage them to use it in their classroom. I believe I have a better understanding of the goals, assessements, and the direction that our school needs to be moving in to develop our classroom into classrooms of the 21st century.

I believe I was successful in carrying out the course assignments and I also believe that the assignments gave me the ability to master understanding of the role technology plays in the education of todays students, the need for technology by our students, and how teachers are going to have to work hard to incorporate it into their classroom in order to effective engage students in the classroom.

Before this class started, I had always considered myself moderately technology savvy. I had developed PowerPoint lessons and used those lesson and other technology tools in the classroom. I probably used technology in my classroom more than most. After gaining a broader view of technology and better understanding about the goals of the state to improve it's use in the classroom, I see that I have a long ways to go to become the educator needed to teach in todays classroom effectively incorporating technology in multiple venues. I attitude about Internet usage and using the Internet in the classroom has not changed much. I am open to the newly introduced Internet tools being used in the classrooms, but I still have many reservations about it until we can create a way that students can use it and not abuse it.

The value of blogs and blogging to the 21st century learner is to create a way that reaches digital natives and engages them in the classroom to better prepare them for their future. I provides a way for teachers and students to interact and communicate, it also provides a way to involve parents and other stakeholders in the discussion. The blogging provides ways for experts in the fields of discussion to provide input to the discussion too. Blogging allows a variety of media tools to be displayed and used on the blog. Students can post videos, audio tapes and respond by text.

The concerns about blogging include safety, abuse, and misuse. My number one concern is safety. I have to know that our use of Internet tools is not going to place any of our students at risk of falling prey to predators who surf the Internet in this day in time. Abuse and misuse is the concern of any administrator and may questions and policies need to be worked out for most to be at peace with blogging.

Blogging is an excellent platform for school leadership to post important news, upcoming events, request for feedback from parents, and general information about the school. Parents could have a way to provide feedback, feel that they are a part of the decision-making process, and stay current on the school related issues. Student and parents could post questions of concern and school could post answers to those questions. Teachers could post weekly assignments and parents could be fully informed as to what their children should be accomplishing in the classroom.